If you are you behind on your bills, struggling with debt repayments or unable to cover basic living expenses, there are organisations that can help you manage.
Where to find help?
Relief Trust Funds
Each of the Services, Army, Navy and Air Force, has a trust fund which can provide loans and grants to ADF members experiencing financial difficulty. ADF members who are suffering financial hardship due to physical or mental injuries, as a result of service, may also be eligible for assistance through the Bravery Trust.
To contact the appropriate source, go to:
- Army Relief Trust Fund, call 02 5109 7455 or email [email protected]
- Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund or talk to your local RAN Ship or Establishment RANRTFO/PERSO
- Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund or call (02) 5130 9486
National Debt Helpline
You can find a financial counsellor near you for a face-to-face appointment by visiting the National Debt Helpline website, calling 1800 007 007, or contacting us for a referral.
A Financial Counsellor can help
A financial counsellor is a qualified professional who can provide you with information, advice and advocacy if you are experiencing financial difficulty. It’s a free service that’s non-judgmental, independent and confidential. They will listen and provide emotional support. Financial counsellors do not sell products.
Financial counsellors are often based in community organisations, charities and local government agencies throughout Australia.
If you are in debt or are unable to meet your ongoing expenses, a financial counsellor may be able to help you:
- Prioritise your debts and deal with your current crisis
- Negotiate with creditors
- Access dispute resolution services
- Develop a budget and put systems in place so you are less likely to fall into financial difficulty again in the future
- Access grants or concessions
- Understand your rights and access legal help if necessary.
Financial counsellors are not the same as financial planners or financial advisers. Financial advisers provide financial planning and investment advice for people with money to invest. If you are looking for a financial adviser, visit Getting Financial Advice