Super Stapling
November 15, 2021
Investing Online
December 13, 2021Defence has made an enduring commitment to Reconciliation and the Government’s Closing the Gap strategy, which is outlined in the current Defence Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2022 (the plan). The plan focuses on:
- Building stronger relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities;
- Cultivating a deeper understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and contemporary matters across Defence; and
- Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation through employment and procurement opportunities.
This plan seeks to go further than simply increasing Indigenous representation within Defence, it aims to develop and enhance relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and increase the cultural capability of its workforce to create a culturally safe and inclusive workplace for everyone.
Defence recognises the unique skill sets, knowledge and perspectives that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander personnel bring to Defence to strengthen and enhance our capability. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have long played, and continue to play, an important role in the defence of Australia.
The ADF Financial Services Consumer Centre wholeheartedly supports reconciliation and the plan. Our contribution to furthering the objectives of the plan is in the area of financial capability education. Since the Centre’s inception we have supported the ADF’s pre-recruitment courses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women with tailored group and personal financial education. We directly support the Navy Indigenous Development Program (NIDP), the Army Indigenous Development Program (AIDP), and other Indigenous pre-recruitment courses, through face-to-face and virtual education sessions, workbooks and online resources.
We regard the opportunities we have had to work with these pre-recruitment courses as a distinct privilege. The calibre, commitment and motivation of the men and women completing the courses is very high. We will no doubt all benefit tremendously from their service to country in years to come.