We receive regular enquiries from ADF members and their families about the pros and cons of DIY superannuation funds (technically called self-managed superannuation funds or SMSFs). An SMSF is now a choice available to ADF members in some circumstances. They are especially relevant to those who joined the ADF for the first time after 30th June 2016 (at which time MSBS was closed to new members), but they are not suitable for everyone.
The enthusiasm with which Australians have embraced SMSFs is remarkable. SMSFs, of which there were nearly 616,400 in March 2024, now account for more than 99% of all superannuation fund entities, contain about 24% of all Australian superannuation fund assets, have an average balance of over $1.4 million and a combined membership of 1.1 million people.
What’s driving this growth? Could it be generous tax breaks? That’s unlikely because the same tax breaks apply to the superannuation system as a whole, not just to SMSFs. Could it be that the costs of running an SMSF are lower than institutional alternatives? That’s also unlikely as the costs of and of running such a fund can be considerable, after factoring in administration, management, accounting, compliance and auditing costs from a wide range of service providers, not to mention the sometimes stressful allocation of time by you and your family who are members of the SMSF.
More likely, the growth is caused by the desire on the part of members of these funds to have direct control over their investments. Throughout the four decades since the inception of this form of superannuation, clients have rarely needed much convincing about the merits of establishing an SMSF. So that by the time they consult an accountant or financial adviser, many people have already persuaded themselves that they can achieve a better rate of return than professional investment managers; and even if they can’t, at least the money will be kept out of the hands of the “forces of darkness” (banks and funds managers). In fact, some clients want to keep control at almost any cost, which is ironic when the reality is that a large proportion of funds invested in SMSFs is often held in low interest earning term deposits controlled by the very institutions that they love to hate.
The SMSF phenomenon has given birth to an industry within an industry, representing the so-called “SMSF sector”. The industry contains articulate and well-funded associations of service providers, often promoting the merits of SMSFs over other forms of superannuation. Recently, we have seen the rise of “SMSF educators” whose principal purpose appears to be to convince members of the public to use SMSFs to gear (borrow) into investment properties on the basis that real estate is always a winner.
A significant challenge to the viability of the SMSF sector is the ageing cohort of SMSF trustees and their ability and enthusiasm to manage and control their superannuation affairs. In the not too distant future, there will be tens of thousands of SMSF trustees in their 70s, 80s and beyond. This presents risks at many levels.
There is the regulatory risk that trustees will fall short in their compliance obligations. There’s also the risk of poor investment decisions caused by incompetence and diminished cognitive abilities. And then, sadly, there is the risk of elder abuse by professional advisers and relatives seeking access to large sums of money that are typically held in SMSFs. These risks, particularly the latter, are not just theoretical.
The message here for ADF members and families is to think carefully before making a decision to establish a SMSF. The first question to answer is whether you have enough money in the fund to make it a viable proposition. Many experts are adamant that you should start with at least $500,000 in the fund while others suggest an SMSF is viable with much less, say $200,000. Answering that question requires an analysis of investment returns and costs. A qualified accountant or licensed financial adviser may be able to assist you with this (an additional cost to consider).
Then ask yourself whether the idea of being so deeply involved in the operation of a superannuation fund is something that appeals to you. Or would you prefer to appoint someone else (such as a publicly available superfund) to undertake those tasks? We’re certainly not suggesting what you should or should not do, but the decision to establish a SMSF is not to be taken lightly.
It’s a decision that should be made for the right reasons, including your acknowledgement that a properly run SMSF requires allocation of a considerable amount of your time and a willingness to accept personal responsibility, compliance and investment risks.
Therefore, before jumping into a decision you might regret, take your time and consider your options carefully. We recommend the Australian Taxation Office website as an independent source of technical information about SMSFs.
If you choose to seek professional advice before making such an important decision (highly recommended!), our website contains a considerable amount of relevant educational material.
Super can be much harder to quantify if you are a member of MSBS or DFRDB, known as defined benefit schemes. This is because the bulk of your super benefit will likely be in the form of a lifetime indexed pension, based on your years of service and final average salary. The longer you stay in Defence, the larger your lifetime pension. This cannot easily be compared to a standard accumulation super fund. Please contact the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) for an estimate or your current benefit.
If you have an accumulation super fund, like ADF Super, it’s much easier to compare the superannuation you get from Defence with that of a civilian employer. Generally employers pay super at a rate of 9.5% of your ordinary salary and allowances, Defence pays super to accumulation fund members at a rate of 16.4%, well above the minimum requirement.
You may not appreciate the value of your generous superannuation benefits now, but you certainly will in years to come.
ADF members receive, statutory death and invalidity cover, and rehabilitation services if needed. To replace this cover in civilian employment, you may need to take out personal insurance, such as death, disability, trauma and income protection. The cost would depend on your age and personal circumstances but could cost thousands of dollars a year.
The ADF offers free education and training and/or study assistance schemes. If you’ve been receiving tertiary education at no cost or received any form of study assistance, consider what it might cost to continue your education outside Defence.
Take some time to think about these and any other benefits provided to you by Defence to get a better understanding of the real value of your employment package.
As an ADF member you will usually receive subsidised housing or rental assistance if you are not living in your own home. If you buy a home to live in you may be eligible for a range of other assistance schemes.
If you are receiving rental assistance you can calculate the value by multiplying the fortnightly assistance amount by 26 to get an approximate annual benefit.
If you’re in service housing you can estimate your benefit by deducting the rent contribution taken out of your pay, from the amount of rent you would pay each fortnight for a similar property in the same area. Multiply the result by 26 to estimate your annual benefit.
Housing assistance schemes for members buying a property include the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme (DHOAS), Home purchase assistance scheme (HPAS) and Home purchase or sale expenses allowance (HPSEA)
Serving ADF members receive a range of healthcare benefits, including free medical and dental treatments, rehabilitation services, psychological support and access to fitness facilities like gyms, pools and sporting fields.
To put a value on these benefits, think about what you might be paying for if you were not an ADF member. For example, what would it cost you for private health insurance, prescriptions, physiotherapist, dentist, specialist visits, gym membership or other fitness related costs?
Medicare covers the costs of being admitted to hospital as a public patient, some of the fees charged by GPs and other medical professionals, and subsidised prescription costs for medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). ADF members don’t pay the Medicare levy, currently 2% of taxable income.
Private health insurance covers some or all of the cost of a range of services not covered by Medicare, for example, a private hospital and the doctor of your choice, as well as ancillary services such as dental, optical and physiotherapy, not covered by Medicare.
Your pay consists of a base salary, with the addition of employment-related allowances. Your base salary can be found at the top of your payslip on the right, listed as ‘Annual salary’. If you need help reading your payslip, see the ADF guide on Pay and Allowances.
Note: From 13 May 2021, service, trainee, reserve and uniform allowances will be rolled into a single ‘Military salary’.
The earnings section of your payslip lists any allowances you receive. The amount in the ‘Current’ column is the amount you get every fortnight for each allowance. You can add allowances by typing in the name of the allowance in the ‘Add allowance’ box and clicking the + symbol.
A deployment provides some ADF members with additional allowances that are not part of regular pay. We have not included these allowances in the calculation of your remuneration package, however, you may want to take the additional deployment allowances into account if you are comparing your ADF remuneration with civilian employment.
Medium-term goals are those that you want to achieve in 3-6 years. This could include saving for a home deposit, paying off your car or paying down all your loan debts. Having a budget and your goals written down.
Long-term goals are plans you want to achieve in around 7 years or more. This could include buying a home or paying off your mortgage, paying for your children’s education or saving for retirement.
For long-term goals think about investing some of your money. Get some financial advice to work out a good investment strategy to reach your goals.
MSBS is a hybrid defined benefit and accumulation super scheme which closed to new members on 30 June 2016. If you are an MSBS member, your benefit will consist of a lifetime indexed pension (employer component) based on your final average salary and years of service. Some or all of this benefit can be taken as a lump sum when you have met a condition of release (the defined benefit). The scheme also has a member component made up of your compulsory and voluntary personal contributions, ancillary contributions and investment returns, that you will also receive as a lump sum when you have met a condition of release (the accumulation benefit).
The pension component can be taken from age 55. If you are retiring or resigning from the ADF after reaching age 55 or are entitled to a Class A or Class B invalidity pension, you will be eligible for a pension when you leave the Service. For all other members, your employer benefit will freeze and be preserved, increasing with CPI each year, until you are eligible to receive it.
The member component of your benefit may be left in MSBS, where it will increase with investment returns each year until you access it, or it can be rolled over to another complying super fund.
For more information contact the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC).
If you joined the ADF for the first time after 30 June 2016, you will fall under the ADF superannuation arrangement, and will be a member of an accumulation fund, such as ADF Super. If you had previously served, and are a member of MSBS, you will be re-entered into MSBS on rejoining the Service.
For accumulation fund (eg. ADF Super) members, your benefit will be a lump sum based on contributions and investment returns. When you leave Defence, your money can be left in the fund, where it will continue to grow with investment returns until you meet a condition of release, or it can be rolled into another super fund.
If you’ve been in the Service for more than 12 consecutive months, you can keep your ADF Super account when you transition out and your new employer can contribute to ADF Super. In this case your insurance cover will change so contact the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) to find out what you need to know.
DFRDB is a defined benefit super scheme which closed to new members on 30 September 1991. If you are a DFRDB member, you will receive a lifetime indexed pension based on your final salary and years of service. Part of your benefit may be commuted into a lump sum, and you may receive an additional lump sum from your MSBS ancillary account, made up of voluntary personal contributions, amounts transferred in from other funds and other contributions, plus investment returns.
For more information contact the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC).
Short-term goals are things you want to achieve within the next couple of years. These goals could be to pay off your credit card debt, buy a new TV, go on a holiday or buy a car. Whatever you have in mind, set yourself a realistic timeframe. The best way to save for short-term goals is to reduce your spending on non-essential items, like entertainment, dining out, memberships or subscriptions. It is often easier to stay on top of your spending if you use cash, EFTPOS or a debit card when shopping instead of using your credit card.
Make your savings work for you by putting your money into an account where it will grow. Savings accounts are great because you can earn compound interest on your savings. If you’re on a low income, you may qualify for one of the savings programs offered by some charitable organisations.